The Enneagram & The True Story of Who We Are:

Pathway Toward Deeper Connection, Curiosity, Compassion & Liberation

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I am confused. What is the Enneagram?

You may be wondering what the Enneagram is from reading my story and I am excited to share what it is. The Enneagram is a powerful pathway toward spiritual growth and for personal and professional development. The Enneagram states that there are nine lenses in which we view and see the world and each person is fixated on one of these nine ways of seeing their reality.

Within each of these nine types, there are also root motivations and particular wounding words that are spoken to us as we grow and develop that solidify into false narratives that grab hold of us and leave us in bondage, repeating the same self-deprecating patterns and habits. What’s so unique about the Enneagram is it gives us language for what we see ourselves doing over and over but cannot quite figure out what to do about it and exposes the messy parts of ourselves we chose to ignore.

  • "Before being part of this group, the Enneagram had become a frustrating topic of conversation. I had become used to having a dominant culture group make claims about my motivations without having any clue about my cultural values or my story. This group of POC honored my experiences by giving me the freedom to begin asking questions about how my culture impacts me and my number."

    — Jennifer Gillan

    POC-Centered Enneagram Workshop

  • “Working with Leanette on the Enneagram was a life-changing experience. It’s awesome how she approaches it from a POC perspective. I highly recommend her coaching.”

    — Abib Ajibola,

    1-on-1 POC-Centered Enneagram Coaching

  • “It felt like being in a room full of strangers but also in a room full of people like me. It was oddly comforting.”

    —Alejandra Villa

    POC-Centered Enneagram Workshop

  • "Before being part of this group, the Enneagram had become a frustrating topic of conversation. I had become used to having a dominant culture group make claims about my motivations without having any clue about my cultural values or my story. This group of POC honored my experiences by giving me the freedom to begin asking questions about how my culture impacts me and my number."

    — Abib Ajibola,

    1-on-1 POC-Centered Enneagram Coaching